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ALL of my daily haiku (poetry in 17 syllables) from our time in Türkiye! It will mean a lot to me if you leave a comment about one you enjoyed or have a question about!

We have arrived safely in Nepal!


Mosque on every block

vendors grab our arms, implore

sensory assault


free solo brick wall

eroding above junkyard

great view with Jinbok


squad sheds tears for her

mine are shed for something else

end tough day laughing


dinner with full squad

but I talk to just one friend

about salvation


what Spirit tells you

matters little if you don’t

imitate Jesus


feeling like myself

walking in spirit, not flesh

but I have bad gas


climb ancient ruins

friends help one another up

might be illegal


free Turkish delight

just here for some samples, right?

peer pressure purchase


debriefing debrief

there for the next doubting friend

tomorrow: Sabbath!


indirect way home

dusk shrouds our trespassing and

steals light from our path


hike through olive grove

ascend to Zeus’ altar

view God’s creation


“know them by their fruits”

phrase echoes in restless sleep

wolf in sheepskin dream


scent of hanging herbs

free coffee from a stranger

he hones his English


paint blots everywhere

shoddy work of past Racers

day pressing “ondo”


welcomed into home

give us coffee, tea, cookies

receive grace of God


bwing! bwing! fade away

swish! the ball falls through the net

seven in a row


shirts with poor English

comparing fruits stand prices

free helva samples


chance run-in with friends

twenty plus brunch items served

giant wooden horse


sit in a circle

like Mennonite fellowship

sing, pray, discover


neighbor’s grin enchants

thank God for Google Translate

gift of olive oil


I underpay him

asked more than twice going rate

am I in the wrong?


no shoes on carpet

brightly painted wood ceiling

prayer, secret worship


open the front door

see him climbing up our stoop

with fresh-picked flowers


download Google Slides

I’ve made homework for myself

passion for teaching


shark swims overhead

ferris wheel provides viewpoint

clock tower gives rest


dough, thin like parchment

pistachios, finely chopped

honey, spooned atop


refill to the brim

return her pepper shaker

cross-culture neighbors


bubbish bin for drum

two pop bottles as tom-toms

find the girl two sticks


tilled olive grove soil

ancient Roman limestone blocks

hot Dalyan sand


waning orange sunlight

fourth story balcony chair

John’s Revelation


bumming free Wi-Fi

for the price of a biscuit

for nearly eight hours


scolded for talking

to a friend throughout the day

about God’s Kingdom


simple assignment

great new connections result

curious Muslims


planning three day trip

baking without recipe

packing for the road


passage read aloud

once addressed to a people

whose Church met right here


view from a basket

blue pools, stark white rock cliff face

Biblical churches


ancient port city

hunger turns my soul to prayer

Mother Mary’s house


yet another Doc

this one to construct timeline

of all four gospels


textured walls, new brush

drop cloth mitigates mistakes

unstable ladder


hike through the valley

check in on accident scene

delve beneath Hektor


buys us a Turkish çay

much pride in his handsome son

gives us a lift home


Turkish dinner spread

family photo album

two servings of tea


tea, chicken, ice-cream

conversation investments

we’re lights to small towns


impromptu reroute

bussing to destination

we miss our city


gives us tour of home

serves Turkish coffee and tea

shares about her faith


hard stomp, slight throttle

try again after stalling

ease off the clutch, go


chatter behind me

dishonoring my neighbours

makes me feel unsafe


Socratic method

his questions explore our faith

we feast together


beautiful blue tiles

zealous Quran history

unsullied carpet



The entirety of this blog and its contents were written and published without any AI assistance. 

6 responses to “Turkish Haiku”

  1. I would love to hear more about the simple assignment and the curious Muslims! I have three curious Muslims in my life right now! Yes, in Hanover!

    • The simple assignment was to hand out books after an Easter event, which led to some good conversations and ultimately to good friendships

  2. These are absolutely beautiful- I feel I can see the stories come alive and enter into them through these excellently crafted poems! A great window into your life lately, Shua- miss you and hope your adventures are going well!

    • Gabe, thank you so much for your encouragement and for engaging with my poetry! I miss you too. Keep making music on that guitar, and please thank your parents again for supporting me !

    • I had a lot of opportunities to answer questions, especially from one friend who I eventually invited over for a feast with my team so he could ask more questions. Sometimes Muslims are taught not to question teachings, but truth does not fear questions. I enjoyed engaging with him, and after he left he told me Jacob and I are the two people he feels genuine love from when hugging.