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Here are most of my daily haiku (poetry in 17 syllables) from our time in Nepal! It will mean a lot to me if you leave a comment or question about one you enjoyed!

We have arrived safely in our final country!


tourist coffee shop

sightless friend’s testimony

“God willed us to meet”


mountain’s ledge bus ride

iron sharpening iron

bright pink setting Sun


team rope bridge crossing

share hopes and reservations

confess to Jacob


hike upstream with goats

waterfall in the jungle

hunt crabs for dinner


knee-deep in black pond

collaborative net catch

providing our lunch


three years till her death

witch doctor told her in dream

we pray against this


high up jungle peak

Hindi father laughs us off

no longer unreached


young man’s sight restored

woman walks by night for prayer

such faith in these lands


he lists the spirits

summoned by his healing drum

Christ saps their power


sitting on the floor

spicing up Nepali dish

eating with right hand


falcon swoops, crows chase

mongoose, rhino, peacock dance

elephant ride sights


canoe down river

haggle shirt below half price

suck snails out of shells


sky dims, corn stalks bend

avoid rain in crammed tuk-tuk

witness nerve healing


mango grove picnic

some unripened, some pickled

sing and pray with host


circled up for hymns

no self-consciousness, just praise

voices together


cracked screen fades to black

surprised it survived this long

no more phone, I guess


false teachings in town

local families unite

against the falsehood


call with hopeful friend

setting clear expectations

for our reunion


long bumpy bus ride

squad disappears into fog

multiple ridgelines


seated on straw mat

explaining the Trinity

to Dane we just met


popcorn with hard drinks

green felt under neon glow

deep question for them


run off a sloped cliff

gliding above green mountains

lean to side, vomit


flag-clad balcony

city glitters far below

I spill long-kept beans


Himalayas smile

Their foreheads kissed by sunlight

I return a grin


check in, swing for two

Nausicaä of the Valley

squad lamentation


seated on rock slabs

terraced green hillsides below

inner thoughts made plain


sunrise iced mochas

a forehead kiss of closure

Spirited Away 


every sunlit hour

riding in a metaphor

cultural bubble



The entirety of this blog and its contents were written and published without any AI assistance. 

2 responses to “Nepali Haiku”

    • Tuk-tuks are automobile rickshaws. They have 3 wheels and are common paid transportation in South Asia.